Skinner's quote

 " A child is influenced and changed as a biological entity by things that happen to him, but the notion that somehow or other the child of our past is still contained within us is a form of animism which serves no useful purpose in explaining present behavior."

This quote is from a book by Richard I. Evans: B.F. Skinner: The Man and His Ideas. New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., 1968.



How about a STUDY THE WHOLE OF MAN and not just a study of what the brain alone can perceive!

Everyone has a brain, but the brain is a physical muscle located in the skull, and the brain cannot perceive the three-quarters of the Whole Human Being that are just invisible to the physical brain.

In addition to your brain and physical body, the Whole Human Being [or WHB] also includes a MIND that is composed of both the lower MIND (the Astral region of Creation) and the higher MIND, which includes (the Causal region of Creation].  You see... the MIND is INVISIBLE to the brain and our physical senses.  This last point, that of Invisibility of the the most important reason Psychology is failing Man.  And this failure dates back to when B. F. Skinner  [unknowingly] projected  his own scotoma regarding the MIND of Man upon those people in the field of Psychology who were primarily advocates of  an Esoteric MIND.   Skinner was confined to "Intellectualism" [which is common among people who believe the brain can "know" everything there is to know].  People, in other words, who refuse to believe  that three-quarters of the Whole Human Being are elements that the brain will never be able to perceive. 

The following is a quote is of Skinner referring to the MIND:  His reference to the MIND is when he says:  "the child of our past is still contained within us".

" A child is influenced and changed as a biological entity by things that happen to him, but the notion that somehow or other the child of our past is still contained within us is a form of animism which serves no useful purpose in explaining present behavior."

This quote is from a book by Richard I. Evans: B.F. Skinner: The Man and His Ideas. New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., 1968.

In this quote by Skinner, and unknown to him of course... he reveals to us his non-conscious fear of his own MIND when he accuses people who believe in the existence of an Esoteric MIND as suffering from "a form of animism".   This arrogance of Intellectualism regarding the Invisible elements of Man is a common failure of those who are confined to the Left-Hemisphere of the brain and thinking. They simply cannot conceive that there are parts of Man that the brain just cannot experience.

The above provides a clue to the failure of modern psychology.  Man is more than just a physical being.

Peace, 1 Brother James

  In the West, the prevalent tendency of education is to "think" that the brain is the most important part of Man.  And of course the MIND of Man [which  is invisible to Man] is actually the source of such thinking. Let me offer a little sketch to illustrate my point:

In this sketch, please note that #1 is the physical dimension of Man, including the physical brain.  And #2, #3, and #4 are also parts of the Whole of oneself... however, 2 and 3 are the Lower and Higher MIND, both parts of which are "invisible" to the brain.  

And #4 is the Spiritual part or dimension of Man, which includes one's Soul.  #4 also includes Truth [which is part of Reality], one's Soul, and what we refer to as Intuition, Consciousness, and Knowledge.

And the "reason" that #4 is virtually ignored in the West is that #4 is invisible to the brain and one's physical senses... thus making #4 quite unpopular in Western education.  In addition, it is the really rare type of Christianity that believes the Mystical phrase "God is "Within" you".  

I refer to the Spiritual Realm [or Purely Spiritual Energy in Man]  as "Neutral Spiritual Energy," or "NSgy" for short.  And, in the Creation [which was Created by God, and this is agreeable to most Christians...] the reader will please consider the term "Creation"... which means that what we know as the Physical Realm, or this Earth, was Created.  That is, nothing existed before it was Created... by  God.

The mind-blower concept then is that everything we can see, taste, and touch in the Creation is an Illusion that we (think)  believe is the only reality there is.  Who do you know that is open to the idea that everything they think is real... is, in actuality,  part of a most amazing Illusion?  And that there is actually a Reality that does exist, but it is "invisible" to the brain and physical senses of Man?

So, that is my humble offering for today, in this particular blog.

Peace, 1 brother james